Thursday, March 17, 2011

I kinda love them (:

Locksley love

Locksley is one of my favorite bands we go way back. Look them up--brilliance. I know its not halloween but this made me happy (:

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lovely Friends

Today---was amazing--this is why
1. My besities from home came and visited me in LaGrange. I love them immensely and am so happy they came to see me (: We had many adventures in LG and I will never forget this day.
2.I also received news that I get to live in a house next semester (I get to paint my walls)
3. Also I finally got to use my Polaroid camera--yay
sadly I have class at 8:30...night world (:

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pretty Sisters (:

Don't worry we really do love each other (:
we are this cool

Me :)
Emily (:
Jessica :)
Just in case this does not explain it. I have sisters whom I love very much. And I am starting back with the blog. Sorry I have been busy with school...lame excuse but it is my life. Welcome back into the world of Sara (:

Friday, February 4, 2011

I'm Back (:

I've decided to start back up blogging again. Well after my sculpture 1 class...until then...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Finals Hiatus

I will be taking a two week break or so due to finals and last week of classes. Not only am I swamped with class work my brain and heart are not functioning as normal. As soon as break comes hopefully all of those problems will be not alive. Until then... :)