Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lovely Fondant Cupcakes!

My first fondant cupcake!
little flower

It was my mom's birthday and her name is Kim so I made her a special cupcake just for her! :)

Fondant is so much fun. I love designing cupcakes :) This is brilliant and I love it. Now I'm ready for cakes! Good thing birthdays are coming up! :)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Homemade Pizza, all by myself :)

Jess made an adorable pizza with pepperoni and black olives
Em made a yummy cal zone, that she devoured
My lovely pizza

I was so proud

Every Saturday my mom makes homemade pizza, She taught me and my sisters and I'm not going to lie I'm pretty pro.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Grizzly Bear Concert!

One of my favorite friends, Morgan and her little brother! :)

ME and EM

Amazing Concert, Amazing night!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Brillance in the little things

How cool is that car, pastel it

I want her glasses and her suit.

She is so beautiful

Papa and Grandma! :)

Now I understand how I got my style!

Last time I was in Ohio we found these awesome photos of my Papa and Grandma! They recently passed away and I miss them dearly. They are my best friends and I love them! I don't think I ever thought about them when they were young and how cool and beautiful they are. I love these photos and I love them. Ill probably put some more of these up later :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

The world is your canvas, paint it

Paintings that I painted recently for Spiritual Life Retreat at Camp Glisson. Lovely little camp, amazing people.

Spring Awakening at the Fox

Me and Em
Emily in front of the Fox

After the show with the lead, Melchior :)
At the Atlanta Fox we went to go see Spring Awakening. It was beyond brilliant, had so much fun with Em and Caitlin (and Chris)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Things that make me terribly Happy:
  1. Family and Friends
  2. Knowing that I was made for a purpose
  3. That HE is always with me
  4. Macaroons
  5. Cupcakes
  6. Water
  7. High Fashion
  8. Art
  9. Music
  10. Singing
  11. Guitars tuning
  12. Sailing
  13. Kayaking
  14. Dresses
  15. Traveling
  16. People Watching
  17. Dancing
  18. People clapping for you after a performance
  19. Outdoors
  20. Cuddling
  21. REI
  22. Heels
  23. Rain
  24. Painting nails black and Red lipstick
  25. Falling down stairs and not passing out
  26. Brilliant Old photos
  27. Yoga
  28. Thinking what would Audrey Hepburn do?
  29. Dresses
  30. Sunrises
  31. Wishing on fallen eyelashes
  32. That chivalry is not dead (some cases)
  33. Going for a bike ride
  34. Dreaming about weddings
  35. Thunder storms
  36. Love
  37. Getting a letter in the mail
  38. Vintage
  39. Old people in love
  40. Strangers who smile
  41. Tea parties
  42. Giggling with my sisters
  43. Birthdays
  44. Singing in a shower with good acoustics
  45. hugs and kisses
  46. Making forts
  47. Stomach Butterflys
  48. Talking in a terrible British accent
  49. Old-fashion movies
  50. Pearls
  51. Ocean
  52. Memories of Papa and Grandma
  53. Christmas time
  54. Adventure
  55. Shopping and there is one left in your size
  56. Laying in the grass and breathing in the world
  57. Making headbands
  58. Charcol drawing
  59. when you are painting and you end up painting yourself
  60. When you have friends that threw you a prom at camp
  61. Realizing you can not fit everything that makes you happy in one list