Thursday, April 29, 2010

Letters to my life.

Dear throat, please stop being sore and hurting, we still have 3 1/2 shows left.

Dear sleepiness, go away. please just let me feel awake.

Dear graduation, please hurry: i'm so done with high school and lots of family(that I love and
adore) is coming and I miss them.

Dear shopping, I miss you and I can not wait to visit you next week.

Dear musical, your nice but i'm so glad you are almost over!

Dear body, if you are about to be sick can you hold off like 4 weeks, thank you!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Photo shoot with my favorite Brittany!

I love this girl! She is my favorite!

Musical via mac photo booth

haha i'm never cutting my hair. ever...okay maybe one day but not this short!
I love this, we all look like freaks.
I love this picture because I look like a crazy person.

Okay so I have been at rehearsal til 9 every day for a musical, and that is the very reason why i have not been blogging, ridiculous i know. But here is me waiting for my scene, bored and cold, so here you go a little taste of what the audience will see opening night(I feel bad for them) haha. This is so funny to me, i love it! Well after this week is over expect to see a post almost every day...(ps a lot more musical picture will be up soon! )

Sunday, April 18, 2010

weekend part two

weekend part one (of many)

Chan- I dont remember if she is laughing or in pain

musical pose

Chandler is ready for performing in 2 weeks!
These are the beginning of many photos to come.... many interesting photos! :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Sister! :)

Love you Best Friend who happens to be my sister.

I love you Emmy, happy birthday! you are 20! :) Cant wait to party it up with you this weekend haha. You are the most amazing sister, I admire your creativity and your rebel-ness(no I do not care that is not a word, and I don't care). I could not ask for a better older sister. LOVE YOU

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Abigail Lorick = favorite designer

Abigail herself
Garden photo shoot

Lorick at work, not to mention the low backs are my favorite

Lorick is inpiration to me and I strive to be as brillaint as her. This has inspired me to start designing again. love her! :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

My best friend has four legs.

Egg drop with my 5th graders! :) Happy Easter!

Savannah's egg did not survive the drop!


Cassie and her egg!Coolest 5th grade class at Vaughn Elementry

Mrs. Belvo and a destroyed egg

Mitchell was so proud! haha

In the class I intern in, they had a egg drop. They had to come up with ways to not let there egg break. It was cool to see what they could come up with, they are so smart! :)

Tyler's Birthday Lunch!

Chandler loves my waffle cookies! :)


They are beautiful

One of the cutest couples I know :)

Caitlin loves my Angel Food cake cupcakes! haha

Beautiful day for hiking! :)

Poor Angus! But he loves it.

hah Em's face

Best poodle ever.

Em, Jess, and I took a lovely trip to the mountain. Love this weather, lets just not have the heat. So excited to be on spring break! :)