Monday, May 31, 2010

New Sketches

By the way, I will be putting up my own picture when I get my new mac so I can just upload them on to one computer once! :) Happy Memorial Day!

To be honest I don't even know who designed these but Im in love. I just saved it on my computer and saw it and was like. YES

Monday, May 24, 2010

kindergarten to 12th grade, we are finally done.

The Fam

All of the family came out from Louisiana and Texas for graduation. I love them all so much, and I'm going to miss them until I go see them hopefully this summer :)


I need to post up photos. I have so many pictures from various parties, events, and such that I must get off. Its becoming rather ridiculous. Well, hopefully Ill get them up tomorrow. :) xoxo

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I feel like posting a lot today.

Breakfast at Sara's

As celebration of my graduation I've decided in honor of one of my favorite role models, Audrey Hepburn...I'm going to have Breakfast at Sara's. I'm going to have a beyond brilliant breakfast including scones and other fancy breakfast foods. While I watch the fantastic Breakfast at Tiffany's, one of my favorite movies. Great way to start off the summer, I think. Many adventures to be had. Now I need to figure out when and who shall endure this adventure with me... :)

Lovely tea party with some lovely people!

For my 18th birthday I decided to be 5 (since I now have to be an adult) and have an adorable tea party, i've been wanted to have a tea party since Alice came out and so here we are! :) It was fantastic because I wanted to keep it super small. We are planning to have another tea party very soon! It was so cute and oh so very much fun. I will miss my pretty friends...tomorrow is my last day of high school. Im beyond happy.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day Mommy!

Love you Mom, You are the best ever.
p.s so I had a bowl...I was awesome, I know :)